Heaven help me. I’ve purchased an iPod.

I got tired of carrying my few internet radio programs around on a travelstick, looking for a willing computer. Also tired of downloading stuff and hoping I won’t get in trouble at work. It’s not that what I’m listening to is anything other than Rated G, but you just never know how liberally they’ll apply those technology agreements.

So I have covered my … self, and have purchased a Nano. I might as well be Mork — it’s about as familiar to me as Earth was to Robin Williams/Mork. I have no knowledge of how this thing really works, so I’m hacking away and RTFM* only when I have to.

No surprise to most of you — I’ve subscribed to a number of news talk podcasts. I am looking forward to listening to Ring of Fire without kid-interruptions. Like Rachel Maddow‘s show, you need to LISTEN because it’s full of interesting stuff. It’s not just background noise.

What else do I have on this thing? Oh, Flylady, Steve Earle, On the Real, and a weekly Mandarin Chinese class. I also purchased Queen’s Greatest Hits and Green Day’s “American Idiot”. I’ve wanted “American Idiot” for a while now, but I felt like I was too old, too Mama-ish, and appearing too stodgy to walk up to the checkout line with it in hand. I could hear the snickers in my mind from the 20 year old clerks…

I am now part of the plugged in generation. I have to wonder if Timothy Leary anticipated this age, as “turn on, tune in, drop out” kinda fits.

I gotta hit the hay, I’m starting to babble. Don’t tell Orson.

*Read the ______(Fine) Manual

Nano Nano
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