I decided to change the template on the blog. Hope you all like it, because I do. I got tired of the black. I must have been in a foul mood when I picked that template.

Not much to report in the last couple of days except that there will be changes coming in my second career — teaching scrapbooking. I don’t know all the details yet, but I have some hard decisions to make.

Then there’s my third career — teaching post-secondary writing. That’s a new one for you all. One I’ve decided to pursue since getting my M.S. in Tech Comm. I did apply for a temporary teaching position at my alma mater, but didn’t get the job. But, I did impress the dept. head and he wants to talk to me about other possibilities.

Gee — I work full-time with one very part-time job, and I’m looking for another part-time job. But then John is working 4 part-time jobs. The things you need to do to keep a house running these days … paying for the gas and medical expenses.

So, I Got Bored …
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