After Sarah’s hyper performance at the home of Baby Macalester’s breeder, John sat down to give her a long talk. (She’s already at the stage where she won’t listen to her mama…) She is so excited and anxious to have that baby dog home.

So, we have pulled out all our Scottie care books and I’ve downloaded a number of articles on kids and puppies. Sarah’s job will be to read all that material. Here’s where it pays to have a kid that can read!

I’ve also been quizzing Sarah and Rachel about basic puppy care, like the following:

Q: What do puppies eat?
A: Everything. We have to keep our toys picked up.

Q: Who can pick up the puppy?
A: Only Mama and Dada

Q: How do you hold a puppy?
A: I can hold the puppy in my lap when I sit on the floor.

Rachel, the ever-sharp kid, has the answers down cold. Sarah knows them, too, but keeps trying to expand on the point. I have to reminder her it’s not a debate. We need to know the breeder that they can trust all the family to take good care of Baby Macalester.

I think the message is coming through and being taken seriously.

Working for the Pup
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