I walked out of work just now, and was hit by a blast of warm air. It must be 50 out. Yesterday, I was wearing winter gloves. Gotta love Minnesota: the weather is always changing.

I am writing this while I am being chauffeured home by Metro Transit’s finest. Yes, this is another technology experiment. Plus I’m getting pretty good with this keyboard. I may wind up with carpal thumb, or whatever it’s called. I’m typing better with my thumbs than I do with all 10 fingers.


That’s all I have to say for now, but I leave you with this question: what do you do with a man that defends Elliot Spitzer?

Who Installed Spring?
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2 thoughts on “Who Installed Spring?

  • March 13, 2008 at 07:25

    Well, Charlie’s response as to what to do with a man who defends Spitzer is to cut off his, *ahem* manly extremeties. Heehee.

  • March 13, 2008 at 07:25

    Well, Charlie’s response as to what to do with a man who defends Spitzer is to cut off his, *ahem* manly extremeties. Heehee.

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