And God said ‘love your enemy, ‘and I obeyed him and loved myself.”
~ Khalil Gibran

Oh those are hard lovely words!
What does loving yourself look like? Is it primarily physical, or primarily mental?
If you love yourself, aren’t you being selfish?

I am my own worst enemy. I am trying to change that but it is hard, hard, hard.
I started a regular schedule of taking my meds and vitamins every morning. While we were in Portland, I just downed a handful of pills every morning at breakfast. I had measured them out for the whole trip. All I had to do was open the container, swallow, and chase it with liquid.

I have two weeks of meds laid out. I refill the case every two weeks. Every morning, I sit at the table by my computer, and send them down the chute.

I’d like to say I feel better. I’d like to say I am now a picture of health. I can say that I take my medication every day. I can say that I am probably better off for doing it.

I don’t know that love has to be a huge gesture, but rather it can be a series of small kindnesses that add up. So right now I am doing one small kindness. Tomorrow, I will start another small kindness that I can do every day — write every day. In two weeks, I will come up with another one.

So tomorrow, after I take my meds, I will do some exercise — one of my interval workouts. Then take a nice shower to take off the sweat. Then I shall sit down and write some morning pages. Then move on with my day. I will have shown myself a bit of love.

Love Thy Enemy
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