I finally rolled myself out of bed this morning, then went to the computer to read some scrapping blogs I subscribe to. I was jealous of the time these ladies have to be creative. Not all of them are SAHMs — a couple of them are teachers and travel alot on the weekends. So I know they are at least as busy as I am.
I think I’ve figured out the difference is that they don’t watch TV or lie about as I have been lately. You’d think that working part-time, and having most of my therapy appointments completed would mean I have time to relax and do some fun stuff. Even though I’ve been sleeping alot, post-stroke, I’m up more and more.
The problem is the TV. I’ve become addicted to watching old TV shows that I DVR during the day.
The kids are just as bad, we all lie about, watching TV instead of doing something constructive. Some times that TV watching is watching The Weather Channel — even when our weather is good.
I’ve got to stop that now. I have the summer off from teaching, so I should be making good use of my unstructured time. Lord, help me.

Too Much Lying About
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