Laddie and Sydney went to the groomer’s today. It’s been about three months and they were shaggy. I let their coats grow out in the winter because it just gets so cold and drafty in the house.

I took two Scottish Terriers to the groomer. I came home with a Cairn Terrier and a black Westie. The groomer did a great job cleaning them up, yet keeping their coats long.

Sydney (with the Cairn look) is just darn cute, and it’s clear she thinks so, too. She’s preening and pussy-foot prancing around the house.

Laddie on the other hand, looks confused, like he’s lost his identity. He keeps looking at me with this “what did you do to me?” look. Male ego, I guess. Either that, or he’s offended that he looks like a black Westie.

Makeover, Scottie Style
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