I found a new way to see your neighbors all at once. Sit out on the deck with your two hyper Scotties. Ask a bunny to walk across the yard, then sit right in the view of the Scotties. And sit. And sit.

When Sydney sees a rabbit, all hell breaks loose. Her go-to-ground bark is no bark. She screams. YIIIIIIIYIIIIIIIIYIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! Sydney sounded like she was in serious pain. Oh, but it was pain, the pain of a terrier not able to go to ground and kill some vermin.

We tried to get her and Laddie back in the house quickly, because all the neighborhood dogs started barking hysterically. We had our fellow dog-owning neighbors come running from all directions. One of our neighbors, a vet, jumped her fence to get over here pronto.

It was embarrassing, and funny. All these folks know us, and our dogs. In a way, it was good to know that if they heard something awful like that, they would come to help.

Then the rabbit ran across the alley into the vet’s yard — where two bloodhounds and a lab-mix live. There is no word if the rabbit is still among the living.

Screamin’ Sydney
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