I suppose I should have checked in sooner, so you all didn’t think I had been murdered by a husband who hates green and orange stairs.

It took John 5 hours to actually GO upstairs, so he could see the stairs. He was very surprised and likes them very much. He was even more surprised that I did it by myself WITH the kids in the house.

I still like ’em. Laddie flies up the stairs now. Sydney is still spooked. Maybe that is just the way it will be. She’s 8 years old — she’s entitled to be cautious. Speaking of which, she is sleeping next to me, along with her brother. They are both in the doggie fetal position, chins tucked as close as possible to their chests. Cute.

*** Change subject ***

Our priest LeeAnne started her sabbatical this week. Oh my, I am jealous. To be in a profession where you can take three months off to study and rest every seven years — and not need to worry about paying the bills. That would be bliss.

Fr. Phil was filling in today, and his sermon had an interesting analogy about the Holy Spirit. Now for those of you who aren’t religious, don’t worry… I’m not going all ChristoFascistZombieBrigade here. Hang in here with me.

Phil said the Holy Spirit is like Canadian Geese. When you think of geese, you think of the mom with the goslings following along, Dad in hot pursuit. The male and female mating for life, the beautiful V formations and honking you hear in the fall and again in the spring — one of the beauties of life.

And then there are some of us who think of the biting, fighting, and mass quantities of goose guano left behind by the geese. This too, is like the Holy Spirit. It’s not all pretty. It often is noisy and doesn’t smell good.

So as I told a friend after church, next time something bad happens, I’m just going to say “There goes the Holy Spirit, crapping all over my yard.”

OK, maybe it was funnier in context. But these are the odd things that Episcopalians come up with at 8 am on a Sunday morning.

Checking in … with Canadian Geese
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