Adelaide and I were jolted out of bed just before 6 am by a flash and a boom. Not a storm, but I think a transformer blew up nearby due to the heat. Since we were wide awake, I tore my workstation down to find a notebook in a filing cabinet behind the workstation. I found the notebook, and other goodies I’m going to slip into my 2019 and 2020 albums to document “life before”.

Then I got the itch to clean out the bookshelves in the bedroom. John had crammed all kinds of old electronics and other non-book things onto the shelves. I cleaned that up, put some books into my donation bag, and put all the kid books and Amy Tan books together, along with several misplaced volumes of my Readers Digest Best Loved Books. The flying dust is thick, several trash bags are full. All shelves are tidied up and my office set back up by 7:45 am.

Have I ever mentioned I’m a morning person?

Now I’m ready to make a cup of coffee and relax after finishing this blog post. The rest of the day is for reading and other creative endeavors, with a few household chores. I’ll weed the front yard this evening when it gets cooler.

Busy Sunday Morning
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2 thoughts on “Busy Sunday Morning

  • June 7, 2021 at 02:05

    That must have been quite an explosion. What a way to be woken up! I am a morning person too and I know that once I was wide awake, there would be no point in going back to bed. Sounds like you had a very productive time. Plenty of time now to relax, enjoy the day and do the things you enjoy doing!

  • June 12, 2021 at 17:12

    WOW! What energy you have! Good thing you don’t have too many of those rude awakenings! Glad you found the missing item!

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