It’s Day 2 of my Staycation, and I’m hoping it goes as well as it did yesterday. Unlike most days, time seemed to c-r-a-w-l. That’s a good thing. Lately it feels like everytime I look at a clock, 3 hours have passed.

It’s 8:30am. I’m up and dressed, partially caffeinated, and waiting for the DirecTV service tech. Our main box started doing out in spurts yesterday – randomly going offline and coming back online.

Other than the service call, my agenda calls for a trip to the bank, a detail car wash, and rearranging the furniture in my workroom. I am turning my eldest’s former bedroom into a sewing space, so things will be moving around. Fortunately I have a lot of empty Rubbermaid tubs to put things in. I’m also looking forward to adding a second monitor to my tech set up.

On the creative side, I’ve been working on 30 Days of Lists. I’m back listing after doing the 100 Days of All About Me list and thinking I would swear off list-making forever. I’ll work on today’s prompt after I submit this post.

I also made a training video for my fantasy league — how to use the ESPN app. It’s not bad for a first attempt — my instructions were clear, I paused appropriately, and I broke the video down into four sections covering different topics. Things to work on in the future: more variation in my tone, less bouncy camera work (it was hand-held), and cut down on those filler words and sounds.

Time to finish off the coffee and continue on with my day. Hope you have a good day, too.

Staycation Time
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