I am a relative newbie to running. I started running at the end of last October by working through the Couch to 5K program. However, I hit a kink — I can’t run for more than three minutes at a time. At least not right now.

I am a plus-size runner, and I am terribly out of shape. I am running on the treadmill at the YWCA, because Minnesota winters. I’ve spent most of the winter alternative between running three times a week or taking a week or two off because I’ve slipped on ice somewhere outside.

My primary kink is a weak and wobbly left knee. I injured it initially after my stroke three years ago. My goal is get the knee strong enough, so I don’t have to worry constantly about it sliding out from underneath me. The advent of Spring has been a relief — as long as winter doesn’t throw in a last hurray.

The stroke also hampered my ability to start at a dead run — I couldn’t sprint across a street to save my life. I had to re-teach myself to hop and skip (that sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?) so I could get my body moving so I can run. I’m sure watching me go from a walking to jogging speed on the treadmill is quite funny. I hope others find me entertaining!

Another kink in my running process is clothing — I cannot find clothes that 1) cover my backside, or 2) don’t ride up or down while working out. Sometimes while hopping into a run, I am also trying to pull up my yoga pants or pull down my t-shirt. I am hoping this summer to find some gear that will fit me better.

Despite these kinks, and the kinks that hit my calves and feet periodically, I keep going. I have no goals beyond running an entire 5K someday. I will get there eventually.

K is for Kinks
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