Sydney’s not been herself for the past couple of days.  Each day, she appears more miserable, and was starting to breathe funny.  Plus she had a funky smell about her head that I couldn’t pinpoint.  I called this morning to make an appointment with the vet.

By the time I got home from work and took Sydney to the vet, she was shivering constantly and doing some heavy panting.  I was wondering what kind of temperature she was running, and was she going to seize up on me on the way to vet.  We made it in one piece, with nary a peep from Sydney, who is usually my backseat driver.

Got to the vet.  He took one look at Sydney and said, “Oh no, not another one!”  Apparently there had been three other dogs he saw today with back issues.  He touched her back, and she flinched.  Manipulated her stomach — no problem.  No fever, and the smell was just because she has bad breath and needs her ears cleaned.

After a set of x-rays to check for spinal issues, and to double-check her heart and lungs, Sydney was pronounced perfectly healthy, but in a world of back pain.  So I went away with a prescription for some pain killers and a low dose of prednisone.  (For Sydney, not for me)  Also good to know there was no disk issues and her spine is essentially healthy.  She’s 12 1/2-years-old.  You just never know..

Sydney had fallen off my bed last week, but I didn’t think anything of it.  I was too busy yelling at Rachel to pay attention and make room for the dogs.  Sydney was slow to get back on the bed, but seemed fine.  I guess now I know she was faking being fine until she couldn’t fake it anymore.

She’s sleeping in a slightly-stoned bliss now, and breathing much calmer.  I just have to keep the kids from messing with her while she heals.

I now know shivering and heavy panting are a sign of pain in dogs.  I did not know that.  It’s a good day — I learned something, and Sydney’s just fine.  Before we left the clinic, she tried to take the face off a cock-a-poo puppy.  She may be in pain, but she’s always The Feisty Squid.

Oh, Her Aching Back
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