Fed chair Bernanke says Congress risks recession if Congress doesn't give Wall Street $700 billion NOW.

I'm here to tell Mr. Bernanke — we're already in a recession. Maybe not according to his tools and calculators. But those are just numbers and guesses. The proof is staring him right in the face. "Recession" is just a scare tactic.

Frankly, I'd like to see all those greedy bastards go down. Yes, it could impact me. But I know we'll be just fine. Because I have confidence in myself.

No one is going to bail me out. I have to get by on my wits. My wealth is not in any bank. My wealth is my confidence.

I'm a survivor. I use my brains, think things through thoroughly. I have to if I want to survive. This is the lesson I teach my kids.

The Wall Street Investment Idiots were too busy caring about profit. Money. Fame. They deserve to fall and fail and have rise from the ashes. Just like any person. (Corps legally have rights as people. Did you know that?)

So… Drop, Baby, Drop. Fail, Wall Street, fail. You're no better than me. I have to work without a safety net. So should you.

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