Been having some pain back where the wisdom tooth was removed two months ago. Went to the dentist Thursday, and came home with slightly less jawbone that I had earlier in the day.

Apparently I had an overgrowth of bone, because of the position of my former wisdom tooth. It cause a small portion of the wisdom tooth cavity to not heal properly. I irritated that area with a corn chip chomp-a-thon the week before.

So the overgrowth was removed and filed smooth (after some novacaine). I have a small hole that we are hoping to heal over on it’s own. Else, I will need a small surgical procedure to build a flap over the hole.

I can’t have alcohol, can’t chew, can’t have anything spicy, can’t have anything that would have small chunks of anything that could get caught in the hole.

I couldn’t even have communion at church this morning — I’m sure I looked totally pathetic, popping pills. I am thankful no one at church made any “jawbones of an ass” jokes. Although it was just hanging there… waiting to be said.

It’s really hard finding food that doesn’t have particles in it. Ice cream, yogurt, milk, coffee/mochas, peanut butter, juice smoothies with protein powder, and cream cheese are my primary foods.

I can also have Advil. Lots and lots of Advil. Dummy me, I should have asked for Vicodin. At least Vicodin doesn’t rot my stomach. I’ll be glad when the pain from the novocaine shots stops, too. That’s almost as bad as the pain from the jaw procedure.

I’ll be on this diet for 2 – 3 weeks. Three days in, and I’m sick of it already. I hope at least the scale will move downward.

Unplanned Diet – Not for the Squeamish

2 thoughts on “Unplanned Diet – Not for the Squeamish

  • January 28, 2008 at 17:51

    Yikes! That sucks! You sound like me when I get the flu…LOL. Hoping that I lose weight from it.

  • January 28, 2008 at 17:51

    Yikes! That sucks! You sound like me when I get the flu…LOL. Hoping that I lose weight from it.

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