I noticed this morning that my John Edwards button was missing from my backpack. I wonder when it popped off? Maybe it was a sign.

While a first place win would have been lovely, I am happy that John Edwards came in second in Iowa. I guess that makes it a 2-fer for him, since that’s where he landed in Iowa in 2004. I’ve liked John Edwards’s message for a very long time now — even before the last Iowa caucus. It really resonates with me.

Can’t remember if it was Keith Obermann or Chris Matthews that said tonight that Edwards has the Hubert Humphrey “Happy Warrior” attitude. That must be what gets to me. I love hearing HHH’s old speeches. He had a passion for his work that came from the heart. That’s what I hear when John Edwards speaks.

On to New Hampshire for the next adventure.

We’re #2!

4 thoughts on “We’re #2!

  • January 4, 2008 at 16:43

    I am thrilled that he beat out Hillary…

  • January 4, 2008 at 16:43

    I am thrilled that he beat out Hillary…

  • January 5, 2008 at 03:33

    i love john edwards and i really believe that he is the only dem to be able to beat who ever the republicans run.

  • January 5, 2008 at 03:33

    i love john edwards and i really believe that he is the only dem to be able to beat who ever the republicans run.

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