I posted this entry on my Crafty blog today, but I thought it appropriate in this forum as well. Sorry for the absence — life has been crazy.
There are lots of mean girls, and most of them are older than 18, and should know how to behave better. I’ve really noticed this mean girl mentality in the scrapbooking world — and I don’t mean recently.

When I taught at an LSS ages ago, I was simply dumbfounded by the two-faced antics of some of the people who I encountered. Sugary sweet to someone one minute, then ripping them apart when they are out of sight. I’m sure the people who were oh so nice to me were being nasty behind my back. But I didn’t care what they thought: my opinion of myself was more important.

That’s not to say there aren’t mean boys. But I don’t know anything about that, being female. I’ll leave that for some guy to comment on.

A friend emailed me today to ask why women are so mean. Here’s what I wrote in response:
Insecurity. Those who are insecure are mean to others to prove they are superior/better than the others.

Those who are secure don’t give a rat’s ass about what other people think. We know we are fine just the way we are and aren’t threatened by others. Therefore, we don’t have to be mean.

At this point in my life, I have friends who just care that I am honest, a good listener, enjoy a good laugh, and will be there if they need me. And vice versa. Anyone else can go jump.

That’s the “crabbiness” of maturity. It’s a wonderful gift. Too bad not everyone will accept the gift.

So, instead of being a mean bitch, I’m just crabby in that I don’t put up with shit. I don’t associate with shit. I don’t give a shit. If you’re not going to be true and honest with me, I don’t want to deal with you. That’s it. I have no need for revenge or attempting to prove myself better.

That’s what I’m trying to teach my girls, because they will be hitting the Mean Girls early entry time very soon. My hope is they won’t be the mean girls. I know they will have some interaction with mean girls; I hope they know they are better than that and just walk away.

Mean Girls
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