To those of you who wrote, wondering where I am, thank you. Tired, not sleeping well. Only thinking of blog topics at work (writing them on yellow legal pads), then leaving missives at work.

Due to runway maintenance, the airport is using the runway path that goes right over our house. The weather has been bad, so they use the runway even more. A couple FedEx planes (DC-10s) came in a couple minutes ago.

Thrilling entry, eh? Well, as I said a paragraph or so ago, I have most of my writing at work. Vacation is coming… two more corporate work days, then I am free of corporate life until September 6th.

I’ll post something more exciting over the weekend, plus my retro blog posts. They’re worth the wait. Really. If nothing else, I’ll have a review of The Simpsons Movie. I am taking the girls, probably on Saturday.

I am a bad, bad mama to take them to the movie. We’re going to have so much fun! Lord knows, I need some fun.
