My friends and I have noticed an interesting syndrome that affects our daughters when they turn five — they start acting like ditzy blondes. Dumb blondes. You know all the stereotypes. They go all airhead.

Why? Heck if we know. It just happens. The blank look when you ask them to do something. The “I don’t know” response when you ask a simple question. Walking into closed doors. Screaming for Mama to find their purple striped sweater that they MUST wear to the birthday party this afternoon — forgetting they put it on when they got dressed this morning.

Our older daughters have passed out of the blonde stage, it’s been over two years now. However, the next wave has begun.

Rachel, ever the overachiever, has gone blonde a whole month before turning 5.

Case in point: In an effort to round up the dogs before leaving the house, I ask Rachel if she knows where Laddie is. She yells back, “I don’t know!”. Sarah, standing next to her yells, “Mama, Laddie is sitting right by Rachel.” I walk into the room, and there’s Rachel with Laddie at her feet, looking surprised and confused.

It’s going to be an interesting 13 months to come. But frankly, I prefer the blonde personality to cranky, crabby four year old personality.

Look out L, L, L, A, and L: your daughters are next!

Because She’s Blonde … Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
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