The kids are in bed after watching “A Christmas Story” (our new catch-phrase is “you’ll shoot your eye out”).

I have a few more presents to wrap and a stocking or two to stuff. Then a quick household tidy-up and I’m off to bed.

John is off somewhere in the general vicinity of one of his church jobs. It’s too early for the 11pm service at one place. Maybe he’s getting a bite to eat somewhere.

After the Christmas pageant and service at church, the girls and I drove around a bit to look at the lights. That inspired this fractured Christmas Carol:

“Dashing down the street,
In Mama’s blue Cam-Ray
Over the speed bumps we go
Laughing all the way. Hahahaha!

Horns on cars do honk,
Ambulance sirens scream.
Oh what fun it is to drive and sing,
On St. Paul streets tonight.

Honking horns, honking horns,
Honking all the way
Oh what fun it is to drive
Down Summit Ave today. Hey!”

Yes, I know it doesn’t rhyme. But it’s what we came up with.

I’ve had to wash the tree skirt twice today. Sydney and Laddie are having a little disagreement over the (artificial) Christmas tree. While at 17 months, Laddie still hasn’t figured out how to hike his back leg. But he does know how to mark a Christmas tree skirt. At least he keeps far from the presents. Sydney lets me know with barks of disgust that Laddie has done it again. He’s back in his diaper — until the tree comes down.

That’s the Christmas eve dispatch. Enjoy your holiday!

Alternative Christmas Carols and Marked Trees
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