As of May 1st, I will no longer drive my car to work. I can’t afford to pay to park at work anymore. I pay more than twice as much to park my car than I would pay for Rachel and I to take the bus every day. Our budget just can’t handle such luxuries anymore.

I’ll have some gas money as well — 8 miles a day x 22 workdays a month. About 7 gallons of gas a month. Plus I’ll cut down on my lunch time “I have to get out of here” getaways to Target. All road trips will need to be carefully planned.

Rachel is very excited at the prospect that we will be riding the bus together, until she starts school in September. She’s a good travel companion, and goes more with the flow than her big sister at this age. The two of us will be leaving the house at 6 am so I can get to work in time, and give me the right amount of work hours so I can be home just as Sarah gets home from school. Provided the afternoon bus runs on time.

Give it up for the Budget