I’m participating in an Easter/Spring swap on the Nihao Stampers list. While I don’t have cute bunny or chick stamps, I do have a number of flower stamps that I could have used for this swap. But, I decided my card theme should be based on what I think of when I think “Spring”…


Perverse? Odd? A stormspotter gone mad?

How about this — I purchased these tornado and tornado-related stamps years ago and this is the first time I’ve been able to use ’em.

And I had fun. I hope my fellow swap participants enjoy them.

The card with the blue background is a stamp collage. The tornado, gate, and ladybug are all separate images. I’m thinking about sending a .jpg to some Yahoo!Groups listowners I know. I’m sure at least one of them might consider it worthy of being on their group home page.

Thoughts of Spring