
I\’m taking Stacy Julian\’s creativity class through Big Picture Scrapbooking — the same place where I am taking Donna Downey\’s class. So far, I am very happy with these classes because I feel like I am stretching beyond the typical class I would take in a scrapbook store. It\’s a little like being on an extended, slow moving Club Scrap retreat. Creative projects, ideas, fun things to think about.

I think after all the years that I have been doing some kind of craft (needlepoint, sewing, stamping, scrapping), this is exactly what I need. And you know what? I\’ve been able to do it all so far with the stuff I have in my stash. I love that I am using my existing materials and Club Scrap papers. I may not have a ton of fancy supplies, or the latest, coolest thing. But I have some quality stuff.

It will be fun to see how my creativity expands over the next four weeks of Stacy\’s class. It will also be fun to see how much influence Donna\’s class has over my work in Stacy\’s and vice versa. Come watch my creativity grow. (That was assignment #2)

Here\’s assignment #1 make two signs stating \”I am creative\”. You are suppose to put them on your bathroom mirror and the rearview mirror of your car. Well, I don\’t spend that much time in the car, and DEFINITELY not that much time in the bathroom! So, I am going to put one on top of my computer and the other one on the table next to my bed. I spend most of my time on the computer or sleeping. Makes sense to put them there.

So here are my creativity signs. I don\’t know that they are very creative. But I did learn something about myself. I really, really, REALLY hate alphabet rub-ons. I\’d give them to the kids, except I\’d probably find them rubbed-on all over the dogs. Must find the perfect interested party who might like them. Or what\’s left of them.

Any volunteers?’

Stacy’s Class – Daily Creativity Assignments #1 & #2
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