It’s been a bit since I posted here. I hope no one worried. Although we had more ups and downs with Macalester, this past week has been a good one for her. We’ve now gone one week without vomiting. That doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods yet. It just means her body is starting to heal.

She’s up to almost a cup of wet dog food over a 24 hour period. She’s no longer losing weight, and actually looks like she might be gaining a bit back. But that’s hard to tell because she hasn’t had a haircut in two months. It could all just be hair, and goodness knows, Macalester has a thick coat.

The big challenge for me right now is keeping her from gulping her meals and ingesting a bunch of air. Because sometime between 30 minutes to 3 hours after eating, she has a tremendously huge burp that looks really painful to her. It could be a near vomit, but I’ve noted the times she’s eaten more slowly have resulted in no burping. Just how do you get a dog to eat slowly?

Sarah lost another tooth, so now she’s officially lost six teeth. Two more to go, and then she’ll have lost all the teeth she had before we got her.

Rachel gets more and more capable each day. She will be three in less than a month, and I’m noticing a change in her behavior. There’s a new air of maturity and a desire to please Mama that hasn’t been there before. Sarah had a similar thing happen as she headed to three as well. The terrible twos are almost over. Now we’ll have a year of relative peace before all Hell breaks loose at four.

John is going to be a non-existant entity this week — it’s Holy Week. After 16 years, I’ve gotten use to it.

I have a new(er) car — a 2004 Toyota Camry. I love it. It was a rental car. I’ve purchased rental cars before and had good luck. The Bonneville is still around until I can get new plates for it (the “M MAMA” plates will be transferred to the new car) and take it to Courage Center as a donation. It would make a good car for a teenager — they shouldn’t have a problem reselling it.

That’s it for now from the Walls!

Catching Up
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