We had our fifth annual Autumn Moon Festival party last night. We had a good turnout. It helped that the weather was wonderful. Who would have thought that in Minnesota on September 18th, the temperature would be 84 degrees at sunset?

Here’s a few photos from the event. The more incrimidating photos of adults stuffing themselves with goodies have been left off this entry.

All the girls play Ring Around the Rosie.

Amira helps some of the little girls … to do what, I have no idea.

Ah, the goodies! We celebrate the Autumn Moon Festival in spirit, substituting Moon Pies, Oreos, and Nilla Wafers for moon cakes. Oh, and those crescent roll things Snookie makes. None of us like moon cakes… chocolate under the stars is more fun.

Here all the girls are, under the yellow-cast glow of the Autumn Moon.

A very tired Rachel wonders if the party is over yet. Five minutes after this picture was taken, she was begging me to take her home so she could go to sleep!

An Oreo-stuffed Tacy grins for the camera while her sister looks ready to turn in for the night.

We sure had a good time running around in the dark. Mega thanks to Jeff who brought along some bug repellant that went the extra yard … or in this case, the extra city park.

I have a ton of moon pies left over — inspite of all the pie consumption. They freeze well!

Autumn Moon Festival
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